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Dec 3, 20221 min read
Annoucing the 'SOS - Stop Our Suffering' BOOK
Are you really sick of suffering? There is something you can do. Give your inner wisdom a try! …the 'SOS: Sick Of Suffering' BOOK can... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Feb 12, 20229 min read
Podcast #1 - What is an Ultimate Quest?
Do you want to discover a passion that aligns with your purpose? Do you want to live a life with more joy, meaning & fulfilment? If so,... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Feb 11, 20227 min read
Podcast #2: What personal development is required?
Personal growth is required for your quest. Quiet contemplation will start your quest. Avoid using your intellect & ego. Trust your... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Aug 2, 20219 min read
Podcast #3: How do you know if something is right?
How do you make your decisions? First, spot-check your emotional vibe. Tune into your emotions & body feelings. Our emotions are a... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Jul 2, 20219 min read
Podcast #4: Hints for finding your Ultimate Quest
Are you open to finding your ultimate quest? Your quest is a search for meaning & purpose. Now is the very best time to start! Are you... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Jun 2, 202111 min read
Podcast #5: Are you really satisfied with your life?
What is your level of life satisfaction? Many people never experience inner peace. Dissatisfaction leaves an empty feeling inside. Unlock... (SPECIAL GUEST)
May 2, 20219 min read
Podcast #6: Preventing self sabotage on your Ultimate Quest.
Prevent self-sabotage on your ultimate quest. Align with your purpose. Contemplate what has the most meaning for you. What might you... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Apr 2, 20215 min read
Podcast #7: Why you must work this out for yourself!
Contemplation helps answer life’s big questions. Sit, relax & quieten your mind. You must be curious & open to change. You already know... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Mar 2, 20218 min read
Podcast #8: Where are you really at in your mind?
Where in your mind do you put your focus? Some live in their analytical mind. Some escape into imaginary fantasy. Some are caught in a... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Feb 2, 20215 min read
Podcast #9: Optimising your state of mind
The right state of mind helps us achieve our goals. Increase awareness of how your mind works. Be a neutral observer of your inner state.... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Jan 5, 20214 min read
Podcast #10: Choosing the best perspective on life
Our life is like a stage drama. What is the best position to view our life from? Choosing our perspective is our responsibility. Higher... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Dec 17, 20207 min read
Podcast #11: How to utilise a higher awareness
Higher awareness needs nurturing & practice. Access your true nature through awareness. Find your purpose using higher awareness. Page... (SPECIAL GUEST)
Dec 1, 202010 min read
Podcast #12: Summary of the 'Finding your passion’ series
Finding our passion in life is often a challenge. Avoid using your intellect & Ego. Think about what activity you love and would want to...

Nov 28, 20204 min read
Materialism VS true well-being
WELL-BEING IS MORE THAN PHYSICAL COMFORT. The ability to live a good life depends much more on our level of mental and spiritual...

Nov 27, 20203 min read
Discovering the inner world.
OUR BODY IS NOT OUR “TRUE SELF”. We have a body, which we can pay so much attention to, or neglect, as the case may be. However, this is...

Nov 26, 20204 min read
TOO EMOTIONAL? Part 3. Using our Emotional Guidance System for better discernment & wisdom!
Have you ever made a mistake you regretted? Do you wish decision making was less frustrating? Do your choices reflect what you really...

Sep 17, 20206 min read
TOO EMOTIONAL? Part 2. Tapping into the power & guidance of our emotions.
There is so much power in our emotions! We intuitively know that just from experiencing life! That’s why we tend to avoid recalling...

May 20, 20204 min read
TOO EMOTIONAL? Part 1. Unlock the hidden power of emotions. It's your sixth sense!
Humans are innately emotional. We’re VERY emotional beings: perhaps the most emotional creature we know of! But are we really ‘TOO... (GUEST BLOG)
Apr 7, 20206 min read
Is Ascension really SO simple?
WHAT IS ASCENSION? WHAT DOES ASCENSION MEAN? Is there a simple way to explain the process of human Ascension? This challenge may not be... (GUEST BLOG)
Jan 5, 20204 min read
A paradigm shift in human Consciousness
We’re entering a new Golden Age, a New Era. A ‘Paradigm Shift’ in awareness & consciousness is now underway. Significant shifts in...
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