Welcome the feeling of being in the Now moment
Welcome the feeling of being in the Now moment. #awareness #awakening #connection #contemplation #egomind #enlightenment #meditation...
Welcome the feeling of being in the Now moment
What we focus on is what we create in our lives...
Beyond the barrier of our thoughts...
LISTEN to your intuition and inner guidance
Tune into the stillness & silence
On waking, reaffirm your connection
A spiritual journey is supported by...
Practise staying in THE ZONE
In the sacred space of the Now Moment...
Being silent & still helps us connect
Connecting inwardly to our true nature
Make time everyday for an inner connection
Spend more time in The NOW
Attachment glues thoughts together...
ATTACHMENT acts like superglue...
Connecting to our higher-Self isn’t always easy!
Why we sabotage our Success…
Our thoughts tantalise and tease us...
Connecting with nature
Rest in the Now moment...