TOO EMOTIONAL? Part 2. Tapping into the power & guidance of our emotions.
TOO EMOTIONAL? Part 1. Unlock the hidden power of emotions. It's your sixth sense!
Our true POWER comes from maintaining SOVEREIGNTY over our thoughts
We can CALM our MIND by being silent, still and relaxed
Reach profound stillness by focussing entirely ON THE GAPS between our thoughts
Our mind is normally lit up & burning with racing thoughts.
Our BRAIN is usually busy and on high alert... We need to QUIETEN our mind.
We can QUIETEN our MIND even more… by NOT engaging with new thoughts.
We can further STILL our MIND with Mindfulness or Meditation
Love yourself... just because you ARE !
We can’t stop our thoughts completely, but we can unattach from them and let them pass by
FREEDOM from the Ego-mind comes from letting go of all our expectations & attachments
Impartially observe your thoughts as they pass across your mind
Our EGO mind STEALS credit...
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: Part 3. What’s in empty SPACE?
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: Part 2. All about TRUTH... Nothing but the truth?
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: A holistic perspective on Mind, Matter & Mankind
The Truth about life as a human!
The SPIRITUAL PATH involves...
ADDICTED TO LIFE: Part 2. The way we really are!