Love yourself... just because you ARE !
The challenge in life, is to interact in the most loving way we can… regardless of the circumstances
We can never really control other people or our world… but we CAN control how much LOVE we give in r
Adding a POSITIVE emotion to our INTENTION speeds up the MANIFESTING process
The more GRATEFUL we are the HAPPIER we feel
EXPRESS GRATITUDE for all your EXPERIENCES especially in difficult times
We yearn to be whole, complete, and fulfilled
Deep within we have the knowing...
During the day, RENEW yourself in the Now moment
Do what inspires you and brings you Joy
Are you REALLY Awake?
When we ignore our role as a channel
Universal Consciousness will naturally flow out through us
On a spiritual journey the CHALLENGE is...
The NEW Consciousness...
We are all ONE...
Waking up to who we really are