TOO EMOTIONAL? Part 3. Using our Emotional Guidance System for better discernment & wisdom!
Our BRAIN is usually busy and on high alert... We need to QUIETEN our mind.
We are NOT SEPARATE ! We’re all interconnected & interdependent. WE ARE ALL ONE.
We create our REALITY... by choosing the vibration of our THOUGHTS
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: Part 5. All about COSMIC Consciousness: Is this the Universal MIND?
Our brain is a computer
Everything arises from a powerful quantum field. Intention is what triggers its manifestation.
We are an expression of the Universe. We are Love, we are Joy, we are Life.
Happiness correlates with Consciousness
Higher Awareness is our interaction with a higher vibratory plane
Higher Awareness is beyond thought...
Higher Awareness gives us access to a higher vibration
Raising our Consciousness IS the spiritual path. The first step is Awakening.
We are not only CONSCIOUS...
Deep within we have the knowing...
Inner Peace and Joy comes from...
In any moment we can choose to...
What we focus on is what we create in our lives...
Beyond the barrier of our thoughts...
LISTEN to your intuition and inner guidance