We can CALM our MIND by being silent, still and relaxed
We can QUIETEN our MIND even more… by NOT engaging with new thoughts.
We can further STILL our MIND with Mindfulness or Meditation
We are NOT SEPARATE ! We’re all interconnected & interdependent. WE ARE ALL ONE.
Ascension occurs automatically when we raise our vibration to the next level
Spiritual evolution requires that some relationships will dissolve. Energies must align.
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: Part 5. All about COSMIC Consciousness: Is this the Universal MIND?
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: Part 4. All about MATTER: What are we really made of?
Everything arises from a powerful quantum field. Intention is what triggers its manifestation.
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: Part 3. What’s in empty SPACE?
TRUE REALITY exists ONLY in the GAPS between your THOUGHTS
Practise tuning in to the GAP between... each breath... each word... each thought
ALL ABOUT NOTHING: A holistic perspective on Mind, Matter & Mankind
The SPIRITUAL PATH involves...
On a spiritual journey... inner guidance will help
Living a spiritual path is not about what we have but what we CHOOSE to do with it!
A SPIRITUAL LIFE... is living the ordinary from Higher Awareness & Love
"Who am I really?" How the Universe solves this question.
Higher Awareness is our interaction with a higher vibratory plane
Raising our Consciousness IS the spiritual path. The first step is Awakening.