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Have fun watching these uplifting cartoons


These animated videos are a fun & easy way to raise your consciousness. Sit back, relax and become inspired by the powerful words, beautiful cartoons and uplifting music. Videos include both male & female narration. Listen & tune in to the energies of both for maximal effect! Male narration is in blue and female narration is in pink.

How Does One Start?

Where does one start anything new? What guidelines should one use in deciding?

Why Should We Change?

Acting wisely with compassion and unconditional love is the key to transformation.

Tapping Into Cosmic Consiousness

We are realising the limitation of purely interacting at a thought based reality. 

Making Life A Thing Of Beauty

Is living our life the ultimate test? How we take the raw stuff of life and make it beautiful?

What is Our Ultimate Test

Would it be some kind of intelligence test? So much human potential is sadly missed.

Want To Play The Game Of Life?

Let's explain the game of life a little more. There is only ever one questions to answer.

Play The Game Of Life

A miraculous grand prize exists. Play many times. The question is always the same.

Tips For Winning The Game Of Life

Often what brings people lasting joy involves giving, sharing, caring and service to others.

Instructions For The Game Of Life

What brings you so much joy that you would want to spend a whole lifetime doing it?

Finding Your Passion & Purpose

This might be the hardest challenge. Remove any distractions and quieten your mind.

A Website For Raising Consciousness

Raising human conscious is mankind's greatest need. Test and rate your higher consciousness.

Why is Ultimate Test Special?

A unique self development website about Consciousness. It's independent & nonreligious. 

A Beacon of Knowing? aims to be a node of higher human consciousness. Explore further with us.

Who Is Ultimate Test Intended For?

It's for those who have realised the need to raise their Consciousness and Awareness. 

What Do You Believe?

What you believe is important. So why don't you explore your beliefs at

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